Individual Enhancement
Emotional Resilience
Understand the Science of Stress and Performance
Enhance emotional resilience using a range of tested and proven cognitive strategies
Control unwanted thoughts and emotional reactions using NLP techniques
Identify the sabotaging self-talk that creates negative emotions and learn how to reframe to increase the positive emotions which keep you on track
Recognize the powerful link between the Mind-Body Connection and use it to change your emotional response in seconds
Higher Performance with Self-Hypnosis
Learn how to induce yourself into a hypnotic state quickly and easily
Learn how to influence your subconscious mind and change it from the deepest level
Learn how to bring about permanent change in behavior
Calm nerves and Improve Performance.
Learn how to stay upbeat and use self-hypnosis to improve your confidence, self-belief, relieving stress at work and at home
Reduce stress and improve mental wellness
Effective Parenting
Gain self awareness of strengths and areas for improvement through Personality Profiling tool called DISC
Acquire the mindset of being a positive parent
Attain the mindset and tools on how to build strong bonds with your child
Learn how to have a conversation with your child
Understand how to listen to your child and overcome resistance in your child so that they talk and share